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The road

The road

For the road I researched as I wanted to keep it all in theme, this led me to choose between a busy highway or side county road. As the project was set in outside of the town, I chose to have a county road as there is a lot of carter within them and I will be able to factor that into the end video.

Below is the picture that I took inspiration from.

From this, I could use for a reference point and be able to mould the road for the environment

The telephone lines

As the first part was set on the road, I wanted the have more realism in the environment. I started to research what other models I could use as a backdrop and content which I could use for the video



The car and why I chose it.


For the sense and the environment, I decided to have the car as 1974 Dodge Monaco front, this is because it fits the time frame and the location of the environment which is America.

Another reason why I picked it was that it’s an ironic car from the film Blue brothers which one of my movies I took notes and interest from… the style and how they used the if in the film was union and I wanted that in my project too.

Although I will not be using it as a police car in my project, in my project I want a classic car which fit the environment and the age of which I am setting the project.


The reference which inspired me


Below is a couple of images which I use to help me model the car and use it as a reference point towards my project 



Form this I was able to model the car for the environment. below are some photos from the finished model before I textured.



Next was the texturing, I used substance painter to complete the model. When I was in the progress, I found it hard to create and colour which worked as car paint, I messed around with different rough and metal to fine the right constantly which I wanted. From the substance viewer to the ue4 there is a lot a big difference which I notice when developing. I ended up going backwards and forwards to find the right balance which worked with the rest of the environment.  

Below is the result for the road and car.


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